Valuable Reasons You Should Start Your Own Profitable Blog Immediately!

Valuable Reasons You Should Start Your Own Profitable Blog Immediately!

I’ve been really loving blogging especially as of 2021. Have you thought of starting a blog, but not really sure if it’s your thing? If you have that question stay tuned, and let’s hop right into 5 Areas Blogging Can Benefit You!

For the longest I’ve put off making my blog. Honestly unsure about topics to talk about. Could I even get an audience. Mostly if I could have a blog worth monetizing.

I truly was over thinking it. It’s helped get a lot of creative juices flowing, for future topics and ideas.

I’ll first give you a quick back story on why I started blogging.

I initially made my blog as a hobby because I had so much free time. With being laid off from the COVID 19 impact, I felt I needed an outlet to be free. Also a new hobby and a way to bring in extra cash.

And that’s where blogging really benefited me! I had something to do in my free time and an opportunity to make money.

That’s a little on why I started my blog. What’s your reasoning? Comment down below!

So let’s get into 5 Areas Blogging Can Benefit You!

1.) Builds your audience.

Blogging helps you reach millions of people that use the internet daily. It allows you to be able to provide value to other’s lives through tips, advice, and many other things.

So for example if you are a business owner and have a product your looking to get noticed, you can use your blog to find, reach and learn from your very target audience. You’ll be able to learn exactly what your audience expect from your business or what they would like to see from your brand in the future!

It provides plenty of opportunities to market your product. Your website can also be used as a SEO. (Search Engine Optimization) which pushes your website and product to the top of Google’s Search Engine.

2.) Power

The awesome part about having your own blog is your the boss!

Meaning your in charge of creating a schedule that’s yours! You get to do everything your way, with no limits on your ideas or what you can do! (Let that sock in!)

With your blog you have the power to create hours of your comfort, leading to more freedom of your time. If you are a parent looking to spend more time at home or with your family, blogging could just be your way out of your 9-5.

3.) Opportunities

Additionally business owners are always online looking for new talents to help elevate their blogs and businesses. One of my favorite things about blogging is you get the opportunities to network and enhance business relationships.

For instance no matter your profession, you can advance your career and gain new job opportunities. Helping you to connect with people in similar fields as your who can give you more knowledge, career advice, and support!

Further more having your own website can benefit you in getting a ton of traffic to your site which can lead to making a lot of money! You’ll get the chance to monetize your blog once your site is up and running, giving you financial freedom and a full time source of income!

4.) Pushes You

Next if you feel you are lacking creativity or confidence I definitely suggest giving blogging a chance!

Your constantly pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone! Whether that be by reaching out to potential clients, like minded people in your niches, or following up with your audience. Your putting yourself out there daily helping build your confidence!

In addition to building your confidence blogging makes you think out side the box expanding your knowledge on topics your writing about and organizing your thoughts in the process.

5.) Portfolio

In fact blogging can help build your resume! Its your very own platform to show your work! For example if you want to become a Virtual Assistant blogging can build up your clientele.

Say you reach out to a potential client who may not need your services, that does not mean they don’t know someone who does. In the same way your own audience and clients may just be the ones referencing you to others!

Lastly you get to establish your brand, by getting the word out about you and your services and bringing more traffic to your website!

At this time you have officially read my tips on 5 Reasons you should seriously start a success blog today.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert, and anything posted on this website are my personal thoughts and opinions. I am not an expert, I only give you what I’ve done. So always do your own research and apply as needed.

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See ya soon Antonay!