Early Morning Habits For Waking Up Early!
Are you having a hard time getting up early? Struggling to keep up with the day? If you’ve said yes to either of these questions, then your should definitely try implementing these early morning habits to help you master waking up earlier to be your best self.
Once you have made up your mind that you’re going to start waking up early, its time to actually commit to it.
So I’ve created a checklist “Waking Up Early” to help you get the most out of your mornings!
Let’s Go!
Tip #1: Start Slow
One of the best tips I can give you for waking up early is. . . ease into it. Our bodies aren’t machines, which means we still must prep ourselves. Rushing into any new routine could put a load of pressure on yourself, leading to anxiety and stress.
That why I suggest starting slow.
If you take your time easing into things, you are more than likely to make that routine permanent. Start by gradually getting up earlier everyday, until you’ve reached your target time. (You can start at 5 minutes earlier each day.)
Of course adjust everything so it’s suitable to whatever works for you! So
Fun Fact: Sleep scientist actually recommend going to sleep and waking up at the same time everyday! https://www.thensf.org/four-tips-to-improve-sleep-quality/
Tip #2: Get clear on your intentions
Having your intentions clear prior to even starting your new routine, will help for a easier transition.
It’ll keep you motivated which will coming in handy when things like your snooze button is coming up against you. Lol
So soon as your alarm clock goes off get out of bed that minute or else you are more prone to falling back asleep, only draining yourself more.
Something that has personally helped me is journaling.
I highly recommend writing your routine down a couple say before. So you’ll already have an idea and it’s already programmed in your mind. A win, win!
Also make sure you are clear on what you intended to do once your up. It’ll help you stay on schedule!
Here’s the “Waking-Up Early Checklist” to spark some ideas!
Tip #3: Be Prepared
Lastly Have everything already ready! Pretty simply right?
This is where the determination really comes into play. As mentioned a little earlier writing down your schedule the night before we give you an idea on the task you need to complete.
Having your things ready before hand will allow for your day to run effortlessly.
A couple of examples are: if you workout in the mornings have your workout clothes out ahead of time.
If you make breakfast ever morning, the night before already have all of you tools and ingredients together and ready.
Try doing anything that you can to make your mornings a breeze.
What are some things you can do to jumpstart your mornings?
I hoped you enjoyed these tips on early morning habits for waking up early! If you put these tips to the test, let me know.
Until next time, Antonay!