5 Areas Alone Time Can Easily Benefit Your Life!

5 Areas Alone Time Can Easily Benefit Your Life!

Are you constantly feeling exhausted and drained? Sometimes even snappy? Some times it’s built up stress causing you to quickly become overwhelmed. If that’s that case for you, than your in need of some needed me time! I’ll discuss reasons and benefits to spending time alone.

I’ll also be sharing a Self Care Printable I made later on in this blog to help you out, so don’t forget to save yours!

Let’s hop into it!

Here are my top 5 Areas Spending Time Alone Can Benefit You!


First and for most we will start we how spending time alone builds your concentration.

Solitude helps improve concentration and productivity. As a child a lot of us have constantly been told “pay attention!” Even as we get older focusing becomes a harder task.

Concentration is the action or power of focusing one’s attention to a single thought, object, or activity. In order to help increase your concentration you must make it a habit in your mind, essentially reminding your mind to give all of your focus!

Firstly I would suggest starting by removing distractions. Doing so allows you to focus more on the tasks at hand. You can:

  1. Make A To-Do List Or Task List
  2. Turn Off Notifications
  3. Take Short Breaks To Regroup
  4. Fuel Your Body By Eating
  5. Focus On Task Similar To What Your Doing

What are some things you know that distracts you from getting more things handled?

*Pro Tip: Focus on one task at a time. Research shows we actually lose brains cells by jumping from different task, without finishing them.

Finding Yourself

Self-discovery is the beginning of all wisdom. Self- discovery is the process of acquiring insight of one’s own character. Having time to focus on you can lead you to learning many things about yourself such as:

  • Healing: When on the journey to finding yourself, self healing is important. It helps you overcome fears, limited beliefs, and past issues that have with held you from your potential.
  • Purpose: Solitude can also help you find new things that give your life meaning. It can help you connect to the things in life that fulfill you.
  • Growth: With this time it gives you a chance to look closely at the areas of your life that need personal growth. This does require you to do some self-reflecting, and set new goals for yourself!

Challenge yourself to spend more time on getting to know more about yourself and practice doing the things that make you happy, that could be blogging, reading, or making artwork. Whatever it maybe just go for it!

Self Care

Thirdly this now brings us to the self-care, my favorite of all the reason. Many people don’t realize that your self-confidence is a great factor in your self care.

Self- Confidence help you to experience the freedom of life vs living life with self-doubt and negativity in your thoughts. Confidence can break down the borders that are limiting you from being out your comfort zone. For this reason during this time it will also increase your self-belief leading you to feel more capable!

Uplifts your spirit, by taking time to love on you! You’ll be surprised at all the new things your constantly learning about your self.

Here’s the 20 Ways To Spend Time Alone Checklist I mentioned earlier. ⤵️


Last but not least, we are now at how your much needed can be a benefit to others!

Did you know spending time alone is one of the best ways to rest yourself? But it’s also important to note, that too much social isolation can increase loneness.

Research suggest that another reason to spend time alone is that a particular amount of time can help you develop a greater sense of empathy for others Empathy is the ability to recognize emotions and the perspective of others. There are 3 types of empathy:

  • Cognitive Empathy: Ability to understand how someone else feels and thinks.
  • Emotional Empathy: Ability to engage with and sharing of those emotions.
  • Compassionate Empathy: Involves taking action to support others.

Finally having empathy can help to improve your relationships with others!


Lastly another great reason to spend time alone is the great number of benefits to your mental health. Studies show that the ability to tolerate alone time has been linked to an increase of joy, fulfillment, and decrease stress. It also suggested that people who prefer to enjoy their time alone experience less depression.

Hence why we are recommended to spend at least 30 minutes a day alone.

Solitude gives you that time to focus on your thoughts and feelings. When you’re in tuned with yourself, you can be in tuned with everything and every one else. Also quality time with our self is very vital to our bodies, sometimes we take on too much at work and other people’s problems that we push over self into being overwhelmed forgetting that our bodies are fragile.

In conclusion what are some ways areas in your life, you can improve your quality time?

I hope you enjoyed my 5 Reasons you should be spending time alone!

Of course please do these in moderation to your needs at home. Whether you are a parent, spouse, or caregiver. Feel free to tweak it for your needs! I hope this will be of benefit to you.

Also you can try prioritizing your schedule starting in the mornings with this blog.

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